Sunday, May 25, 2008

B is for Boy

You'll see where I got the B is for Boy in my bath picture. In my case these last two days it really stands for Mommy's Boy. I cry whenever Daddy tries to hold me. I really made it hard for Mommy to get ready for church today too. I never want her to put me down ever. I have a good reason though. Yesterday I was fussy and Grandma said I was fussy this week, so mommy and daddy decided to take me to the Dr. again. You wouldn't believe it, but this was even a new lady dr. and she STILL had me lay down on the table and stuck those awful things in my ears again. What's really bad is I heard her say they are both still infected and then I heard Mommy tell her we will be there Thursday for my regular well baby check up. Are you kidding me??? At least Thursday it will be the fun Dr. Hughes. I've had about enough of those prime time drs. with their ear thingies.

Today I wasn't feeling too well at church either. Mommy had to come rescue me in the nursery and we tried to sit in church and it just wasn't working so we left. This evening the Hensley family had a cookout at Cousin Diana's. Everyone really wanted to hold me and play with me, but as soon as I thought about it I realized I couldn't leave Mommy.

Oh my goodness, I almost forgot the most important update of all. My parents had been talking about how they need to get in shape and I found an excellent way. Daddy gets a little extra weight added to his bike for bike rides now. On our first bike ride Mommy lagged behind, but she was warmed up for our second one. We're gonna have to work up to taking longer bike rides they said, but I'm ready. I love to ride and look around, but don't like it when the bike stops. Keep me moving please, things to do places to go, and things to investigate. That's my motto!!


Carol's Corner said...
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Carol's Corner said...

B is for Beautiful Boy...