Monday, August 25, 2008

Great Monday

Today I went to Grandma Filler's as usually early in the morning with Daddy, but about 10:40 Mommy came over there. She really threw me for a loop. She was supposed to have jury duty, not sure what that means, but everyone was happy that Mommy was released from it. Since she got done early she came and got me and we went to the Monday get together at Granny Conner's house. Lynley and I had so much fun playing together. We played on the porch, hallway, and played on the organ together. We had a great lunch too. Aunt Clata even brought fruit and she had blueberries which Lynley and I found out that we love. When Great Great Uncle Bob came back to pick up Clata Lynley and I both got up on his lap and he hummed us a cool song. The pictures on here from today are from Mommy's cell phone, but they didn't come out too bad. We've got to start taking the camera everywhere again. Oh by the way the picture of Daddy and I is a little older. It's when Daddy tried to entertain me while waiting at the ER after we had our little fender bender.

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