Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Keepin up With My Cousin

Mommy sure liked Lynley's new toy bins so Daddy and I went out and got one tonight that was on sale from Target. Mommy said that her and Sabra compare notes all the time. Lynley and I had the same bottles, formula, jumperoos, bouncy seats and even formula. This time we all get to benefit because Mommy and Daddy think our living room is going to be so much neater and stay cleaner easier! We'll see about that. It's fun making messes:) As you can see from the pictures I really tried to help Daddy put it together, but when I started getting in the way I had to go watch the move it move it video on you tube on Mommy's laptop until Daddy was finished. Maybe next time I will get to use the drill!

1 comment:

Carol's Corner said...

So Levi are you keeping your toys in the bin? Pretty soon there will be toys from you and your new brother. I don't know if your excited about the new baby, but I sure am.