Saturday, February 21, 2009

Blog Lapse

I am so sorry to my regular readers. I haven't been able to update you on the life and times of the Filler family in a long long time. Mommy has been busy finishing her last week of master's class, but that's not our excuse anymore because it was over on Wednesday!! YIPEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! Now, we have to get ready for the new baby. In a few days we will be down to just 8 weeks until my baby brother makes his appearance. Because of that we've got tubs of baby clothes and some toys I haven't seen in a long long time in the livingroom. I've been enjoying checking out some of those new toys. Before long Mommy and Daddy say the swing and bouncy seat are going to be back out in the living room. I'm still not sure about being a big brother yet or what that even means, but Mommy says she has faith in me that I will figure it all out. It may just take me a little bit of time. Later on, I'll get some pictures of me posted. I know you've missed seeing my cute little face.

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