Friday, April 24, 2009

Big Brother meets Little Brother

I have some great news. I just got to meet my new little brother for the first time. His name is Evan. He is so small. Mommy and daddy said that he is just about the same size I was when I was born. Now I get to start showing him all the fun things to get into. I can't wait until he is old enough that we can play outside together. I have been staying with Mamaw and Papaw Hale while mommy and daddy are with my baby brother. It's gonna be a lot different at home from now on. I won't able to run the house like I used to. Great-Great Aunt Clata bought Evan and I presents. He got some new clothes and I got a Cat-in-a-hat. This has been a busy week. I have played outside alot. I have even learned a couple of new words at Mamaw's house, potty and pee-pee. Well, I kow most of you would rather just see some pictures of us, so here they are.

1 comment:

Carol's Corner said...

What a great picture of big brother meeting little brother. What a wonderful life you both have ahead of you.
Hugs and kisses